Enjoying and Moving Through the Challenges of Newborn Multiples, Simultaneously

Enjoying and Moving Through the Challenges of Newborn Multiples, Simultaneously

My girl/boy twins turned six just in December, and I’ve been reflecting on how unique and

challenging the past six years have been for me. I was fortunate to have a non-eventful

pregnancy; once they were born was, of course, a different story.

One of the elements of being a twin (and new) mom that challenged me most was feeling

relaxed and at ease – ever. I remember when the twins were about 10 days old; I had the scary

realization that I didn’t know when the next time I’d get a stretch of more than two hours of

sleep at a time. I was nursing exclusively, healing from a c-section, trying to increase my milk

supply and exhausted. I didn’t suffer from postpartum depression, but those days of my life

were some of the most difficult to date.

I wish I had some of the tools to access from my now well-established yoga practice when I was

feeling angst and alone with newborn twins. Here’s what I would’ve told myself to feel more at


 You don’t have to listen to others’ advice, but it might be the same advice you’d give

yourself. Don’t want to be told to take a nap when you have the time? All good. But are

you tired? Listen to your body. You might need the rest if you’re listening in.

 Get more help. You’re not superwoman (well, you are, but still human). For groceries

and meals, to watch the babies for a few hours for whatever, to run errands, to sleep at

night… you probably need some help to lighten your load.

 It’s the little things. I remember feeling like a new person when I realized I could go

across the street to Starbucks, by myself, for 15 minutes in the morning while on

maternity leave and before my husband left for work. Game changer. Note what brings

you the littlest bit of relief or joy and do more of those things.

 You’re moving through experiences, not hitting walls. I recall many times when I had a

new challenge with the babies come my way, it felt so discouraging. Like – I was just

getting the hang of ____ and now _____ happened. Guess what? Everything passes.

Really! Move through them with grace and know that those very experiences make up

the journey of parenthood.

 You’re doing great. I know – you probably think you’re failing at something. You’re not.

You’re amazing and strong and great, and the babies think so, too.

Life with newborn babies is challenging, and it can be enjoyable at the same time – sometimes,

in the same moment. Kiss those sweet little faces for me… and then go take a moment for


Brianne and her (big!) twins, Gemma and Jansen, live in Houston, TX. If the twins became adults

tomorrow, Gemma would be a hilarious and beautiful fashion designer with lots of pets, and

Jansen would be the cutest professional Pokémon trader around with absolutely zero chance of

being duped. Find Brianne and the yoga side of life on Instagram @brilovesyoga.

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